June 28, 2009

Shroud of Turin to Boost Religious Travel

Read story at http://www.silverlight-travel.com/turin/index.php/2009/06/shroud-of-turin-to-boost-religious-travel/

After 10 years of being locked away, the Shroud of Turin is slated for display in 2010. It is normally rolled up and locked away in a silver box, and kept under close guard in the Chapel of the Holy Shroud, with a replica on display. But Pope Benedict has announced that the real thing will be put on display for the faithful to see next year, and as a result, religious travel promises to be booming.

The Shroud is a linen cloth (measuring approximately 14 1/2 x 4 feet) that is believed to have been the burial cloth of Jesus. Many Christians believe that the cloth has an image of a crucified man, with a beard and long hair, with arms folded across his chest. The cloth appears to have blood, seemingly from wounds in the wrists, feet and side.