August 17, 2008

Capital city of Malaysia to tap religious tourism with packages

KUALA LUMPUR: Religious tourism is set to be the next trend in travel after the setting up of a special joint committee by the Tourism Ministry to promote the practice.

Among the first tourism packages that will be put together under the plan are homestay programmes during Hari Raya Aidiladha celebrations.

The package will allow tourists to experience the kampung lifestyle as well as witness the sacrificial ceremony conducted at most villages.

Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said said the committee, set up in collaboration with the Religious Affairs Division in the Prime Minister's Department and several agencies and non-governmental organisations, would promote all the major religions in the country.

An allocation would be set aside by the ministry to develop religious tourism as a niche product that had a huge potential to generate revenue and increase tourist arrivals.

"We've had tourists visiting certain villages to witness the slaughtering of cattle and goats during Hari Raya Aidiladha. We used to do this on a big scale in Negri Sembilan, and now, we will take it nationwide."

The ministry will also promote Thaipusam and Wesak Day celebrations on a big scale.