Faith-Based Travel Market Valued At $18 Billion
By: Joshua Chan Christian Today Correspondent
The World Religious Travel Association (WRTA) estimates that the faith based travel market is worth $18 billion. Last year WRTA came into existence through the formation of an association for faith-based travel agencies. Their existence came about due to an increase demand for faith-based vacations. Their mission is simple and clear. Kevin Wright, the director for WRTA, said: “We will advise, and assist the travel industry in working with the religious market and establish faith based vacations as a key travel option for the religious consumer.” The World Tourism Organization reported that faith-based travel is one of the fastest growing segments of the industry; with numerous surveys indicating that one-quarter of travellers said they were currently interested in taking a spiritual vacation (e.g. religious retreat, or pilgrimage) and that the appeal of a spiritual vacation spans all age groups.The World Travel Market, based in London, recently said that faith-based travel was one of the top critical issues and trends facing the travel and tourism industry in the 21st century. Zealandier Tours of New Zealand became the first Christian based tour company to service New Zealand customers in Easter 2006